VOLA pidamismäärete komplekt



Vola pidamismäärete komplekt, komplektis 3tk, erinevatele temperatuurivahemikele, vali ise sobiv välja ja määri oma pidamisalad sellega ära. Ja süüdistada saad siis hiljem ainult ennast, teine variant on meile parem tuua määrimisse oma suusad.

Komplektisolevate määrete temperatuurivahemikud:

RED: -2/+0C

VIOLET: -5/-1C


For classic ski enthusiasts, the Vola kick wax will meet everyone’s expectations. The kick wax are used when the snow is fresh. They are applied on the holding zone which is defined according to the camber of the ski, the weight of the skier and his technical level in skiing. Several layers of paddles can be applied successively on the holding zone in order to obtain the best compromise between grip and glide.
